Electric Boat

Our goal is to make
sustainable adoptions
desirable, suitable
and accessible.

Electric Boat

We find smart ways of integrating
diverse technologies
into the lifestyles
of rural populations.

Electric Boat

Our technologies
are helping
transform the lives
of the poorest.

Electric Boat

We develop sustainable
solutions to
address the urgent
needs for energy.

Electric Boat

Our goal is to make
sustainable adoptions
desirable, suitable
and accessible.

Electric Boat

We find smart ways of integrating
diverse technologies
into the lifestyles
of rural populations.

Electric Boat

Our technologies
are helping
transform the lives
of the poorest.

Electric Boat

We develop sustainable
solutions to
address the urgent
needs for energy.


Featured Solution

E Marine
Pioneering Clean Tech Marine Solutions for a Sustainable world. Our E-Marine Solution helps eliminate boating emissions and elevates sustainable boating to a whole new level. We invite you to a sustainable world with no sound, vibrations, fumes or breakdowns - where you and your guests enjoy peace of mind, being one with nature. Over the years, we have provided comprehensive E-Boating solutions in various parts of the world - Maldives, Australia, Sri Lanka and India..

Transforming lives
through technology

We develop innovative and sustainable technology solutions to address humanity’s urgent needs for energy, water and waste disposal. Our green technologies increase energy efficiency and promote sustainable use of resources. We constantly endeavor to find smart ways of integrating diverse technologies into the lifestyles of not only urban but also disadvantaged rural populations.

At Yesen Sustain, our greatest rewards come from knowing that our technologies are helping transform the lives of the poorest. Our rural projects ensure that children can do their homework at night, farmers receive regular weather updates, rural communities have access to clean drinking water, housewives can cook using biogas instead of wood fires, solar-powered telecom towers connect remote communities to the outside world…


In our fight against climate change, we have joined forces with some of the pioneering world leaders in energy technology, like Phocos and Vsun - trusted for their high performance capabilities and reliable trouble-free operations. On par, we have our indigenous range of products, T Secure, P Secure and H Secure, catering to energy security, health security and waste management.


The earth is warming at an alarming rate, caused by the increase in greenhouse gases of human origin, with serious health and ecological consequences, soon leading to a humanitarian crisis. The challenges posed by climate change often require unusual solutions. With their unlimited flexibility and scalable implementations, our innovative solutions can stand-alone, and also be integrated with any existing system.


From Asia's largest solar boat to the largest rural Solar Electrification park in the world and everything in between, we are proud to have been one of the frontrunners of sustainable energy in the world. Over the years, we have been conferred with several awards for innovation. For us, the most gratifying moment is when we are able to partner our clients with innovative alternatives to a better life.



Yesen Sustain has been providing us with innovative energy storage hybrid solution where we could avoid using DC Gensets to power our houseboats. This helps us cut down on fuel expenses. It also reduces the noise and vibration on our boats especially in the middle night when our guests need to enjoy the peace and tranquil waters of Maldives.

Yesen Sustain has been with us for more than 15 years and we have recently placed another order with them. I am happy to note here that they are excellent in providing the best of technical service and most importantly - remote support.

Max Molteni,
Maldives Dhoni Cruise

Topan Yala is one of the world's first fully solar powered luxury tented resort. The solar system powers the ACs, the RO plant, the refrigerators, freezers etcand does not have any back up energy stores. The system was designed and executed with the highest quality and standards by Yesen Sustain four years back and is still performing flawlessly.

Deepak Mawandia, Managing Director
Topan Yala, Sri Lanka

We consider the team at Yesen Sustain one of the top 5 speciality design and engineering teams in the world. Their knowledge and experience in the renewable energy domain is unparalleled.

Mathew Segal Sr. Vice President
Trojan Battery Co., USA

"With the aim of building an eco resort, we partnered Yesen Sustain to design and implement technologies that would enable us to be carbon neutral. Their attitude to take on challenges and then find innovative solutions for our needs impressed us greatly. We are already planning our next resort and they remain an integral part of our team."

Z Ibraham, Malaysia

"We were well aware of the water and noise pollution caused by our boats. So when we first heard of Yesen Sustain solar boats, we immediately set up a meeting with them. Our customized solar boats will soon navigate noiselessly through serene surroundings and they do so without damaging the fragile marine environment. We are now in the process of adopting more green technology products developed by Yesen Sustain."

Bhavesh Patel, India

Quanta Power Solutions entered into an engineering and technical partnership with Yesen Sustain for providing design, engineering, installation and commissioning services across South Asian countries. Yesen Sustain has undertaken and executed a range of projects including • 60kWp Roof Top Solar PV System in Bangalore - India • 40kWp Roof top Solar PV System in Faridabad - India • Energy audit for Soneva Fushi - Maldives • Solar DG Hybrid power plant at Soneva Fushi - Maldives • 500kWp solar Grid DG battery at a labor camp in Abu Dhabi - UAE • 240kWp Solar Grid Hybrid Systems for Telecom Towers for AT&T - USA • 3,220 kWp Solar Hybrid Systems – Micro Grid for 458 BTS Towers in Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Assam & Meghalaya - India • Detailed survey, technical and feasibility study analysis for 3000 telecom towers in Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Orissa, Uttaranchal and West Bengal - India • Design and engineering of a 50kWp Solar Off Grid Hybrid System -Somalia The total value of the above projects was more than US$ 15 million. During the execution of the projects, Yesen Sustain benchmarked many innovative processes and standards for the industry. All the projects are working to our complete satisfaction and we place on record that we are highly appreciative of the technical competency of Yesen Sustain and consider the capability of its team as among the best in the World. We highly recommend Yesen Sustain for its Technical Competency, innovation and highest standards.

Vineet Poddar, Director, Quanta Power Solutions
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